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2022-05-05 Beautiful flower Viola tricolor var. hortensis common name Pansy flower plants

The best place to plant pansy.

They like direct morning sun. its planted in cool spring or fall months. It needs well drained fertile soil high in organic matter, and full sun or partial shade. And if you plant them in autumn season they can last up to 8 months, form Sep to Apr or May they give colorful beautiful bloom.

How to organize pansy in the garden.

In landscape planting bed give them plenty of space, arranging the plants 8 to 10 inches space. wider spacing provide good air circulation around the plants, lowering the chances of disease or pest outbreak.

Beautiful pansy blue flower

Can pansies stay outside.

It has incredible ability to survive freezing winter temperature and comes out strong in spring season. Fall season is the best time to plant pansy.

Pansy water requirement.

Pansy needs 1 inch of water weekly when they are actively growing. Manual watering should occurs in the morning so foliage has the morning sun and rest of the day to dry.

Are pansies annual or perennial.

Pansies are perennial plant, they love cool weather but the don't do well in heat. Perennial means any plant that persist for several years. Usually with new herbaceous growth from a part that survives from season to season. Trees and shrubs are perennial as are some herbaceous flowers and vegetative ground covers.

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