Hallo friends if you are looking for and very attractive colorful focal shrub to plant outdoor. Today I will let you know about Callistemon lanceolatus tree.
Callistemon lanceolatus commonly called Bottle brush.
Its species have commonly been referred bottlebrush because of there calendrical brush like flowers resembling a traditional bottlebrush. This is a hardy shrub and widely cultivated. It has bright red flowers appears in summer and autumn.
Best place to plant a bottlebrush tree.
Its an outdoor plants. Bottlebrush needs sunny location or partial shade location. It needs well drained soil and grows well in wet conditions and reaches usually 5m Hight. For the best flowering its need 5 hours of direct sunlight. Morning shade with afternoon sun or morning sun with afternoon shade is good for it. We can use bottlebrush at a focal point place where need a focal to height that area.
Is bottlebrush evergreen plant?
Its evergreen shrub, dense rounded with small narrow leaved and bright red color flowers. in grows in spring and summer.
Just look at the beautiful red flowers |
Fast growing of a bottlebrush.
It has fast growing habit with dense foliage. it is best to use as a hedge or for screen anything.
it grows fast and their good foliage stay to the ground.
How tall a bottle brush can grow or what the height of a bottlebrush would be.
Its an excellent garden plant and grows .5M to 4M tall.
When a bottlebrush does take its flowers?
This is a shrub that blooms intermittently all the year. The most flowers occurs in summer and late spring.
Maintenance of a bottlebrush.
It needs regular watering while the tree is young and also fertilization until it matures. Apply the water slowly to saturate the soil as deeply as possible.
How long bottlebrush blooms last.
It blooms from spring to summer, usually March to July and also has occasional flowers during other time of the year.
Benefits of the bottlebrush.
Bottle brush as expected used for antifungals, antioxidant and other pharmaceuticals properties. It has various medicinal uses.
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