Hallo everyone today i will talk about Codiaeum variegatum plant. Its a common plant that grown for striking foliage. This is an evergreen shrub or you can say a small tree varies widely in leaf color and pattern. Its common name is crotons. Codiaeum variegatum care. Its needs plenty of bright lights, consistently warm spot and also high humidity. thay can take some direct sunlight but also keep them away from direct midday sun. Keep your soil moist from spring to autumn and also provide some humidity by misting regularly or standing on a tray of moist pebbles. Codiaeum variegatum height. It is a tropical evergreen shrub growing to 3m tall and it has large, thick leathery, shiny evergreen leaves, alternately arranged 5-30 cm long and .5 to 8 cm broad. Codiaeum variegatum uses. This is a plant species constituted of more than 300 cultivars which are mostly used as a indoor plants for decorations. Codiaeum variegatum medicinal uses. It is used for tre...
How to plant a Cobratum indicum plants. Cobratum indicum is very beautiful plants ins commonly called Madhu malti or Rangoon creeper with clustered red flowers which is native to tropical Asia. Cobratum indicum characteristics. These plants leaves are elliptical with an acuminate tip and a rounded base. They grow about 7 to 15 cm with the opposite arrangements. The flowers are tabular with fragrance and different variety of colors white, pink red etc. It has 30 to 35 mm long fruits as well. Cobratum indicum uses. It prefers medium to bright sunlight and well drained soil. Growth rate is fast and this plant does not need heavy fertilizer. Its perennial climber which does not need maintenance. Cobratum indicum medicinal uses. Its leaves used for skin problems. such as boil for a juice. It is used to treat headache also and applied on forehead which work efficiently in reducing headache. The fruits are chew as a remedy for cough. Subscribe like and share my YouT...